Port of Portland, Parking Additions and Consolidated Rental Car Facility
The new six-story, 90,000-square-foot building holds the Transportation Security Administration’s Portland headquarters, a rental car center, the port police headquarters and a central communications center.
GRI completed a geotechnical investigation to evaluate subsurface conditions at the site and develop conclusions and recommendations regarding foundation support, seismic design, site preparation and earthwork, and temporary excavations and shoring. Our investigation included a review of available subsurface information for the project area, subsurface explorations, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses.
Based on our review of the seismic design requirements set forth in the 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) and the Port’s resiliency standards for the project, the majority of the previous explorations completed in the vicinity of the PACR project did not extend deep enough to provide a well-defined subsurface profile and adequately characterize subsurface conditions in support of evaluating dynamic site response and the risk of seismically induced liquefaction at the site. Because of this, our project team utilized cyclic testing data measured on soft silts as part of the TCORE project. These data were used for the design of this project to reduce uncertainties associated with the cyclic and post-cyclic behavior of the on-site soils.
Location: Portland, Oregon
Owner: Port of Portland
Market Sector: Aviation