In Memoriam: David Delory Driscoll, Sr.
In Memoriam
David Delory Driscoll, Sr.
7/21/1940 – 1/17/2023
David D. Driscoll, Sr., one of GRI’s founders and fearless leaders, has sadly left us to embark on his next journey. Dave left a dual legacy: his family and the firm he helped create. GRI has grown since its founding days to become one of the most successful geotechnical engineering firms in the Pacific Northwest. After the economic downturn in the early 1980s and the closure of their former employer’s company, Dave, Stan Kelsay, and John Creveling set out to create their own piece of the geotechnical world, and through their vision, Geotechnical Resources, Inc. (aka GRI) was formed. Throughout the company’s early days when the three principals took out second mortgages and temporarily suspended drawing their own salaries, Dave was instrumental in leading and developing the startup firm into the industry leader it is today, as well as being on the forefront of helping develop the Quality-Based Selection (QBS) process that is currently the mainstay for solicitation procurement in Oregon.
Throughout Dave’s 40-year adventure in geotechnical engineering, he experienced the highs and lows personally and as a small business owner, but throughout his career, he was forever a positive influence. He was an amazing mentor, person, and friend. “Doing good work and having fun” were two of the pillars that Dave embraced and helped instill in the culture at GRI. He has always been a strong supporter of “all things GRI,” often showing up at various company events long after his official retirement. Dave gave back to others throughout his adult and professional life ranging from his time in the Peace Corps to donating his time to professional organizations. He has been honored with the following industry awards throughout the years for the time he has spent further developing the future of today’s engineers.
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – President, Oregon Section (1984)
- American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon (ACECO) – 40th President (1995-96)
- ASCE – Oregon Section Engineer of the Year (1997)
- ASCE – Oregon Life Member (2005)
Outside of his dedication to geotechnical engineering, Dave participated in a Tuesday morning (and later Thursday morning) hockey scrimmage group that was founded ~1968. Dave loved playing hockey with this group and was the organization’s leader (‘The Commish’) for decades before retiring a number of years ago. Dave also spent the end of Summer and early Fall at his parents’ summer home overlooking Cape Cod Bay on Harm’s Way in Eastham, MA. Dave enjoyed sailing, fishing, and listening to Red Sox games (Dave was an avid fan). In addition, Dave was an avid cyclist before it was fashionable. Of all of Dave’s many athletic pursuits, downhill skiing was without question his passion. Many Sunday mornings were spent by the Driscoll family riding 20-30 miles for a cinnamon roll or breakfast.
Dave is survived and terribly missed by all of his children (Erin Wisner, David Driscoll, Jr., and Kevin Driscoll) and his seven grandchildren, as well as four of the seven Driscoll siblings of Concord, MA; Betsy Kean, Johnny Driscoll, Mary Lou Monks, and Jeanie Fussner.