WSDOT, Geotechnical Asset Management Program (GAMP) Unstable Slopes
In 2017, WSDOT advanced its Unstable Slopes Management System (USMS) to be compliant with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP 21). The team reviewed over 60 unstable slopes constructed as Geotechnical Assets including an unstable slope rockfall fence on SR-504, MP 32 in Cowlitz County. Assets were located by GPS and updated electronically on the WSDOT USMS database using the WSDOT HATS program. A laser range finder was used in some cases to measure the height and width of the asset. Some slopes with assets such as drapes required rope access techniques to complete the assessment. For each geotechnical asset, the team provided a summary, conceptual design, and cost for mitigation.
Location: Statewide, Washington
Owner: WSDOT
Market Sector: Transportation
Services: Geotechnical Engineering, Geologic Hazards