ODOT, I-205: Johnson Creek - Glenn Jackson Bridge Phase 2
GRI completed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed I-205: Johnson Creek – Glenn Jackson Bridge Phase 2 Project. The project includes construction of new foundations for 13 new Active Traffic Management (ATM) sign structures along I-205 between MP 16.3 southbound (SB) and MP 25.6 northbound (NB) in Portland, Oregon. The proposed sign structures include new sign bridges, new cantilever signs, and two replacement cantilever signs. GRI conducted a subsurface investigation for 12 of the sign structures, and existing subsurface information was reviewed to develop recommendations for one of the structures. Our investigation included review of available published geologic information and existing geotechnical information, subsurface explorations, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses.
Location: Clackamas and Multnomah County, Oregon
Owner: ODOT
Market Sector: Transportation