Western Federal Lands Highway Division, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, River S Bridge Replacement
GRI provided geotechnical services to Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) as part of a consultant team for replacement of the River S bridge. The project included replacement of the existing wood-frame bridge across the Lake River with a four span, 520-foot-long, prestressed-concrete bridge. The spans are supported by drilled shafts. The project also included the construction of a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) approach embankment at the east side of the bridge and widening of the existing western approach embankment. GRI reviewed subsurface and laboratory information for the site developed by WFLHD; completed geotechnical analyses; assessed the geologic hazards at the site, including liquefaction and lateral spreading; and provided recommendations for design and construction of approach embankments, the MSE retaining wall, and drilled shafts.
Location: Ridgefield, Washington
Owner: Western Federal Lands Highway Division
Market Sector: Federal, Transportation