Port of Portland, Quick Turnaround Facility
GRI provided geotechnical design services for the new two-story QTA building; the ground level is used to prepare rental cars for customer use and the upper level is used for the storage of rental cars. The project also included associated roadways, a new Port employee parking lot, and a support building and parking lot for the ground transportation service providers. Much of the ground transportation service provider’s lot consists of pervious pavement. GRI completed subsurface investigations, including drilled borings and test pits, on-site infiltration testing, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses. GRI provided recommendations for seismic design; foundation support, including driven pipe piles and conventional spread footings; earthwork; settlement; groundwater control; temporary shoring; lateral earth and uplift pressures; floor support and subdrainage; and pavement design, including asphalt concrete, pervious asphalt concrete, and portland cement concrete.
Location: Portland, Oregon
Owner: Port of Portland
Market Sector: Aviation
Services: Pavement Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering