BPA, Central Ferry Substation – Lower Monumental No. 1 Transmission Line
GRI completed a phased geotechnical investigation for the planned 38-mile-long, 500-kV transmission line from the Central Ferry Substation to Lower Monumental Dam No. 1. The investigation included a review of geologic information for the alignment, a geologic reconnaissance, test pit explorations at 85 tower locations, and four exploration borings at one of the tower sites. GRI worked closely with the Bonneville Power Administration geotechnical and permit staff to coordinate field work with property owners, tribal representatives, property owners, local agencies, and cultural resource archeologists. The results of the investigation were provided to BPA in Geotechnical Information Reports.
Location: Walla Walla, Garfield, and Columbia Counties, Washington
Owner: Bonneville Power Administration
Market Sector: Energy
Services: Geotechnical Engineering