GRI Adds Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) Testing Services
GRI specializes in engineering services for deep foundations and dynamic pile load testing with the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA).
The advantages of using our PDA
services include the following:
– Reduces Project Costs
– Confirms Pile Capacity Estimates
– Evaluates Pile Damage or Integrity
– Provides Pile Hammer Efficiency
– Provides Pile Stresses During Driving
– Less Expensive than a Static Load Test
– Quicker Results than a Static Load Test
The PDA provides cost savings on projects with the use of higher resistance factors allowed by building codes and reduces unnecessary pile lengths/cost. GRI owns and operates the PDA Model 8G 4 Channel System. GRI engineersChris Ell and Seth Reddy, PhD have extensive experience providing PDA testing services and both hold PDA certificates. Chris and Seth continue their education and experience with PDA testing services and recently completed the rigorous PDA training course and PDA Proficiency examination by GRL Engineers/Pile Dynamics, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio.