Steven Young, PE
Staff Engineer
Steve started his career at GRI in 2017 as an intern, he joined the GRI team full time in 2021. Steve attended Portland State University to obtain his BS and MS in Civil Engineering. He will be responsible for completing subsurface investigations, conducting laboratory testing of soil and rock samples, performing engineering analyses, and providing construction observation services.
What interests you most about geotechnical engineering?
I really like the hands-on aspect of geotechnical engineering. I spent many years in the construction trades before going back to school to study geotech. Spending time onsite and interacting directly with the building process is a big part of appeal of geotechnical engineering for me.
What is your favorite book/article?
I’m a big fan of Portland’s own sci-fi legend Ursula K LeGuin. I love everything I’ve read from her but if I had to pin it down I’d be torn between The Left Hand of Darkness or The Dispossessed. Both are excellent and way, way ahead of their time.
Favorite activity outside of work?
I really enjoy birds and wildlife and spend as much time as I can hiking around natural areas with binoculars and a camera.
An interesting fact about yourself.
I’ve toured Central America by bicycle and fought a forest fire in Colombia. Despite this, my grasp of Spanish is abysmal.
BS, Civil Engineering, Portland State University
MS, Civil Engineering, Portland State University