Keith Martin, PE, GE
Senior Engineer
Keith joined GRI in 1997 after completing his Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering from Oregon State University. As a Senior Engineer, he is responsible for managing a wide range of projects which includes executing complicated geotechnical investigations, providing support services during construction, and management of complex project schedules and budgets. He has extensive experience in the design and construction of deep foundations, excavation and shoring, retaining walls, embedded structures, pipelines, and other complex geotechnical elements. During his time at GRI, he has provided design and construction support for over 40 highway bridges in Oregon, 25+ water reservoir projects, and 20+ sewer pump station and pipelines.
What interests you most about geotechnical engineering?
Investigating the often highly variable nature of subsurface conditions at project sites and developing practical and cost-effective solutions to address the client’s needs.
What is your favorite project completed at GRI?
One of my favorite projects was the ODOT US Hwy. 20 Design-Build Bridges in central Oregon. As part of the design-build team, GRI provided foundation and geotechnical engineering services for 16 replacement bridges and re-alignment of a portion of US Hwy 20. The project sites are located in a relatively remote part of Oregon and I made several trips to the various sites as part of the investigative work, completed engineering and reporting for each site, and visited some sites during construction.
What is your favorite thing about working at GRI?
The interesting array of projects I get to work on and the great company culture, coworkers, and clients I get to work with.
BS Forest Engineering, Oregon State University
MS Civil Engineering, Oregon State University