Welcome Mike Marshall
We are pleased to announce the addition of Mike Marshall to the GRI team as a Project Geologist. Mike has 9 years of experience in environmental investigations, geologic and natural hazard evaluations, hydrogeologic studies, and GIS analysis and modeling. He earned a BS degree in geology from Portland State University and is conducting landslide research and characterizing a local landslide as part of a MS degree under the guidance of Dr. Scott Burns. Through his research, Mike is examining the relationship of slow landslide movement by differencing sequential LiDAR data with comparison of total station survey data and accelerometer sensor data. Mike is a registered geologist in Oregon and licensed geologist in Washington. His primary focus at GRI is to support geotechnical engineering design through the integration of field data acquisition, geologic mapping, and natural hazard evaluation using GIS analysis and interpretation. Mike’s passion for geology and his unique skill set are welcome additions to GRI’s technical capabilities.